Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Goals for Senior Year

  1. Finish all college applications by the end of Thanksgiving Break. With nine applications to complete and fourteen weeks to complete them, this means that I must finish each application in approximately one and a half weeks.
  2. Complete both MIT Open CourseWare classes that I am working on. 18.03, Differential Equations, needs to be completed by the end of the semester during D block and 18.02, Multivariable Calculus, which is already more than half way done, needs to be completed by the end of the year during available B blocks.
  3. Achieve a senior year GPA of 4.8 by getting the following minimum class grades: AP Biology, A+; AP Statistics, A+; Honors Independent Study Math, A; AP Music Theory, A+; AP English Literature, A-. These should be attainable based on my transcript and initial previews of the class. More important than just the grades, however, in order to complete this goal, I must also make the effort to understand the material to such a degree that both my teachers and I feel that the grades were deserved.
  4. Write two new iOS Applications. One will be the Lego Adventure board game assistant that I am currently working on and the other will probably be a rocket video game based on real physics and chemistry unlike many games on the market. In order to accomplish this goal, two to four hours must be spent each Saturday on the games. Preferably, I concentrate on one application at a time and release one by New Year's Day and the other before graduation.
  5. Practice piano 12 hours per week. This divides up to 1.5 hours per weekday, 3 hours per Saturday and 1.5 hours per Sunday. Inevitably, days will be missed, but the important goal is not to skip more than one day at a time and to actually make sure that I am accomplishing something during each practice session. As a rule of thumb, each page should take 2 hours to learn and 1 hour to memorize.
  6. Practice horn 7 hours per week. This divides up to 0.75 hours per weekday, 1.5 hours per Saturday and 0.75 hours per Sunday.
  7. Run the 400m in less than 50 seconds and the 100m in less than 11 seconds. The way to accomplish this is to only rest one day per week, do burners at least twice a week, but preferably thrice, and make sure that in all workouts, I am never satisfied with going easy. Another important factor in achieving this goal is to get enough sleep (8 hours on a weekly average).
  8. Earn a private pilot license. This goal is near the bottom because it is, out of all of these, the most far fetched. The most opportune time to do the training necessary for this license is in between the last day of school and the first summer activities. Two to three hours per day at one of the flight schools at Hanscom Field, which is only 23 minutes away, is enough to receive the license. The primary factor in whether or not I will be able to achieve this goal is whether or not I earn enough money through iOS app sales and other jobs/gifts.
  9. Glorify God in everything I do and especially so in pursuit of these goals. This will be greatly helped by reading the Bible every day and I would like to finish reading through the Bible by the end of the school year.

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